What Benjamin Bratt looks for in a woman

Julia's ex discusses earthiness, weightiness and colorblindness; Julia discusses bathroom autographs. Plus: Jane Fonda on acting doggie-style.

Published October 17, 2001 4:49PM (EDT)

Just because we haven't heard a lot from Benjamin Bratt in the months since he split with Julia Roberts doesn't mean he's thrown in the towel on love and fame. Far from it.

In fact, Bratt will have us know that it'll take more than getting dumped by a certain pretty woman to mess up his head.

"I am very certain about who I am and what is important to me," the actor tells Latina magazine. "I'm always aware of where my feet are -- firmly on the ground. There's not much that can knock me down. And if something comes along that can, I know it'll be an awfully quick recovery because I have good people around me."

As to just why he and Roberts broke up after four big years together, Bratt doesn't want to say too much. But he will say this:

"Clearly, I've always been of the mind that love is love, and love is colorblind," he tells the magazine. "But I do understand the notion that there is a kind of naturalness to like-minded and like-hearted people being together."

Furthermore, the half-Peruvian actor adds, "The one thing I'm aware of is that no matter how sensitive and in tune a person from the white culture is, they can never really quite identify with the worldview that a person of color possesses ... that's just the reality of things."

Bratt also lent a little credence to claims that he and Roberts didn't see eye to eye on his desire to settle down and start a family.

"The kind of relationship I want to be in," he says, "is with a woman who possesses a kind of earthiness, a weightiness that is comforting -- that is, even on some level, maternal. She must possess that quality, because if I'm with her, my intention is to make her the mother of my children."

Of all the words that describe his Oscar-winning ex-squeeze, "weighty" is not among them ...

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Flush with fame

Earthiness, on the other hand, Bratt's ex may be able to lay claim to.

Roberts shared a lovely story about fans, bathrooms and the meaning of celebrity during a recent interview on Britain's Radio 1.

"Somebody put a piece of paper under the door while I was peeing," Roberts recalled. "She said, 'Girl in stall number one -- were you in 'Mystic Pizza?' I stopped peeing to answer and she said, 'Can you sign this for me?'

To which Roberts responded, "I'm just the tiniest bit busy right now."

That wacky Julia ...

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Dispose of her in, like, a good way

"I said I wanted to do it as long as they don't blow me up or something like that. I was, like, 'Look. Just don't dispose of me in, like, a bad way.'"

-- Heather Graham on her willingness to reprise the role of Felicity Shagwell in the upcoming "Austin Powers" film, provided she not meet the same end as Elizabeth Hurley's character did in "The Spy Who Shagged Me," on SciFi.com.

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Fonda her boy

Just because Jane Fonda has sworn off acting herself, doesn't mean she was averse to giving her son, Troy Garity, a few pointers when he needed them recently.

Garity had to get kind of goofy for the role of Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton's sidekick in "Bandits."

"I needed to find a way I could maintain a sort of kinetic energy, a bounce," the normally low-key actor, Fonda's son with ex-husband Tom Hayden, told the Toronto Sun. "So I found myself working with my mom."

And what'd she suggest? "She figured out that I should base the character on her dog Roxie, who is a golden retriever and has that joie de vivre, that bounce," Garity said, " like someone whose ass wiggles when they get happy."

A method I'm guessing Jane herself used in "Barbarella."

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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

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