A little Bratt in the oven

Papa Benjamin dishes about life with Julia; Sarah Michelle Gellar puts the kibosh on Britney doing "Buffy"; and Marc Anthony salsas into Splitsville!

Published July 3, 2002 4:07PM (EDT)

Benjamin Bratt's wife, former Bond girl Talisa Soto, has a bun in the oven -- and her husband's letting the cat out of the bag.

The actor has finally confirmed that he and Soto are expecting a little Bratt of their own, and impending fatherhood has apparently had a tongue-loosening effect on Bratt -- particularly on the subject of his ex, Julia Roberts, with whom he was involved when he met Soto.

Roberts' fame was a constant nuisance during their long stint together, he tells Vanity Fair. "It's like a fly that won't leave you alone. It's that mosquito that buzzes in your ear when you're trying to sleep at night. You turn the light off and it comes back again. It's constant and ever present and it disrupts any chance of peace."

Bratt is less bugged by Soto's level of fame.

"Talisa's not the kind of woman that you just date," he tells the magazine. "If she's available, you grab her and hold on. She makes me fearless."

And filterless, too.

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Father of the year

"If my son was to sit around doing nothing and popping pills all day then I'd give him a smack. But if he was taking drugs and really achieving something with his life then that would be OK."

-- Oasis singer Liam Gallagher on the finer points of childcare, in the German magazine Max.

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Vampire bite

Look out, Britney Spears, Sarah Michelle Gellar's got it in for you.

Gellar tells the U.K. Sun that she personally put the old kibosh on talks between Spears and the producers of "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" about Spears appearing on the show.

"She was floating a lot of ideas," Gellar tells the British tab. "Our producers were saying she was gonna do it and I was saying, 'I don't think so.'" Easy there, killer.

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Juicy bits

Marc Anthony may need to know -- and he may need you -- but he apparently no longer needs his wife. The singer and his wife, former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres, have salsaed to Splitsville after two years of marriage, the Associated Press reports. No word on who will get custody of their 16-month-old son.

London is rife with intruders these days. First Elle Macpherson's Notting Hill pad gets broken into and now Prince Charles' inner sanctum has been molested by an unwelcome visitor. According to Reuters, an Italian man found his way into St. James' Palace last Wednesday and spent eight hours in very close proximity to the prince before he was found by the palace staff, napping. "Quite frankly," one aide told the press, "a mouse shouldn't be able to get in without being stopped." Except of course Charles himself.

Say it isn't so. Peoplenews.com reports that Liza Minnelli and her new husband, David Gest, are making like the Osbournes and inviting VH1's camera crews into their home for their own reality TV show. "They are the sort of people who do things that are extraordinary by most people's standards, but don't realize that they're doing it," a "source" tells the site. "It'll be a huge success." Now, why do I feel skeptical?

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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

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