Come party with Salon and Joe Conason

Just 4 days remaining for your chance to attend.

Published September 9, 2003 4:51PM (EDT)

Dear Salon Reader:

We'll be throwing a party in downtown San Francisco on Friday, Sept. 19 and we'd love for you to attend. Our political columnist, Joe Conason, will be on hand to talk with the Salon faithful and celebrate the release of his new book.

Due to space restrictions this party will be limited to the first 200 Salon Premium subscribers who RSVP.

Not a Salon Premium subscriber yet but want the opportunity to attend the party?

Just subscribe to an annual plan on or before Sept. 11 and make sure you elect to "receive occasional e-mails regarding Salon Premium." We'll be e-mailing our subscribers in California on Sept. 12 with more detailed RSVP instructions.

We've also hosted parties in Boston and New York City recently. We plan to host similar get togethers in cities across the U.S. When you subscribe to Salon Premium you make yourself eligible to attend. Come party with us by subscribing today.

Already a Salon Premium subscriber and want to attend?

No worries. If you've elected to receive e-mail announcements and reside in California you'll hear from us. If you haven't opted in yet just go here and sign up.

We also selected San Francisco for our party because it's the location for our next Salon writing class, a three-day workshop with longtime journalist and essayist Joyce Maynard from Sept. 12 to 14. If you want to work with a renowned journalist to improve your writing chops and you'd enjoy spending a long weekend in the Bay Area, this is the class for you. Salon Premium subscribers receive a $25 discount on this workshop. As an extra incentive, the best class submission, as judged by Joyce, will be reviewed for publishing consideration on Only 12 spaces are available; class is filling up. Apply now.

Best Regards,

Michael O'Donnell
President and CEO,

Interested in Joyce's class but live in L.A.? Click here.

By Salon Staff

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