GOP increases hold on the Senate

Colorado's Ken Salazar is the sole survivor. Minority leader Tom Daschle loses in South Dakota as Republicans pick up seats.

Published November 2, 2004 4:47AM (EST)

Here are the totals, state by state, according to the Associated Press:

South Dakota: Tom Daschle (D) vs. John Thune (R)
With all precincts reporting, Thune beats Daschle 51-49; Daschle loses by about 4,500 votes.

Alaska: Tony Knowles (D) vs. Lisa Murkowski (R)
With 96 percent of precincts reporting, Murkowski leads 50-45.

Florida: Betty Castor (D) vs. Mel Martinez (R)
Martinez wins, 49-48.

Colorado: Ken Salazar (D) vs. Pete Coors (R)
Salazar wins.

Illinois: Barack Obama (D) vs. Alan Keyes (R)
No surprise here, but Obama easily sends Keyes back to Maryland, 70-27

Louisiana: Multiple Democrats vs. David Vitter (R)
David Vitter gets a 51 percent majority, avoiding a runoff.

North Carolina: Erskine Bowles (D) vs. Richard Burr (R)
Burr is the winner, 52-47.

Kentucky: Daniel Mongiardo (D) vs. Jim Bunning (R)
With every precinct reported, Bunning wins by 18,000 votes, 51-49.

Oklahoma: Brad Carson (D) vs. Tom Coburn (R)
Coburn wins 52-41.

South Carolina: Inez Tenenbaum (D) vs. Jim DeMint (R)
DeMint wins 54-44.

For more background on the top senate races, read Mary Jacoby's pre-election review

By Jeff Horwitz

MORE FROM Jeff Horwitz

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2004 Elections U.s. Senate