Get Microsoft Excel certified for less than $20

This certification course covers formulas, visualization, PivotTables, and more.

Published September 12, 2019 12:38PM (EDT)

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Microsoft Excel is one of the most important and ubiquitous office programs on the planet. You may think of Excel as simply an organization program for contact information but it is so, so much more. In fact, more than one billion people use Excel today because its capabilities are extremely extensive. If you want to get ahead in your career, it pays to develop some mastery of Excel, and The Complete Excel Pro Tips Certification Bundle can help you do just that for just $19.

This six-course bundle takes you on a deep dive into the Excel tools and techniques employed by the most advanced users to do everything from crunch huge amounts of data to visualize complex information in simple ways. You'll get familiar with a variety of formulas and functions that will help you streamline the way with data, and learn how to format sheets to be more easily readable for both humans and Excel's algorithms. You'll also demystify one of Excel's most powerful analytics tools, PivotTables, and break down visualization techniques that will help you turn any data into easily digestible graphical forms.

Microsoft Excel is making it easier for companies and people to work with data. It's just a matter of knowing how to do it. Become a certified Excel expert in The Complete Excel Pro Tips Certification Bundle for just $19 and see how your career takes off.


The Complete Excel Pro Tips Certification Bundle - $19

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