Hawley blasted for allegiance to Trump after arguing impeachment trial is "unconstitutional"

Twitter users fire back at the Republican lawmaker for his continued support of Trump's attempted coup

Published February 10, 2021 12:01PM (EST)

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley (Getty/Michael B. Thomas)
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley (Getty/Michael B. Thomas)

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

Donald Trump may be out of the White House but Sen. Josh Hawley's (R-Mo.) unrelenting support of the disgraced former president serves as an indication of how firm grip Trump's grip still is on the Republican Party. Now, Hawley is facing backlash for his latest defense of Trump. 

During an interview with KTVO, Hawley weighed in on the forthcoming impeachment trial in the Senate. Although Democratic lawmakers do have substantial evidence to support their claims of Trump inciting the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, Hawley still argues that the trial is "unconstitutional," reports Newsweek. 

Hawley even went a step further insisting that the U.S. Constitution would not allow the trial even though it is moving forward. "The Constitution doesn't allow it," the Republican lawmaker said, adding, "The Constitution doesn't give the Senate the power to try and convict private citizens. I mean, it just doesn't."

He added, "Our founders made the choice not to do that, to limit the power of the Senate, and you can see why because if ex-presidents can be tried and convicted once they are out of office, my goodness, every time we have a switch in party, you're going to see now the majority party coming in and saying let's try the ex-president."

As reports about Hawley's remarks circulated on social media, Twitter users began firing back at the Republican lawmaker for his continued support of the president's attempted coup. One Twitter user wrote, "The problem with [Hawley] remaining a Trump lackey; is that he can't tell the difference between a conservative agenda and lapdog allegiance. Josh Hawley does not serve the Constitution, but his ego."

Twitter users' wrath comes amid Hawley's latest vow to vote against every one of President Joe Biden's Cabinet nominees — another decision that has led to backlash.

By Meaghan Ellis

MORE FROM Meaghan Ellis

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