December 23, 2015 Archive December 2015

There is no war on police: Ferguson, Chris Christie and the realities the right willfully ignores

Stop sharing this "Other Christmas Gift" video: There's nothing “uplifting” about telling low-income kids to give up their Christmas presents

"Bean to bar" chocolatiers say sorry for tricking the world into paying exorbitant prices for remelted chocolate

Wanted: Young, feminist men. That's who Hillary Clinton (and the rest of us) are desperate for

Cops ignored his calls for help: Report into grisly murder of disabled Iranian refugee by British racists

The best "Star Wars" parody on Twitter is Emo Kylo Ren: "you can't truly appreciate the imperial march until you hear it on vinyl"

John Oliver f**king kills it: From Big Pharma to Big Tobacco, his 13 best eviscerations of 2015

Bette Midler takes down Steve Harvey, Miss Universe and George W. Bush in one tweet

Hillary Clinton is just Republican lite: Sorry, boomers, but this millennial is still only voting Bernie Sanders

The Miss Universe truthers are out there: Steve Harvey conspiracy theories show how paranoid we've become

"Something horrible happened to her": Sandra Bland family outraged at grand jury's decision not to indict

Bernie Sanders backers beware: It's up to you to keep movement alive if Hillary Clinton takes primary

The ultimate "SNL" Christmas: Every brilliant holiday sketch from the last four decades

A new hope for R.E.M. fans: Is Peter Buck hinting at a chance for a reunion?

America is addicted to terror: Why our obsession with irrational fear is tearing this country apart

Now Ted Cruz is the enemy: Rupert Murdoch and WSJ open fire in new GOP civil war

Was your state among the 25 most charitable in 2014?

"The Revenant": Leo's amazing -- but is this revenge western more than a live-action Roadrunner cartoon?

Adele can't fix everything: Neuroscience explains why we fight with Donald Trump-loving racist uncle

"Star Wars" doesn't have a heroine problem: Arguing over whether Rey's a "Mary Sue" is missing the point

From bad to worse to delusional: The real story about Syria that the New York Times won't tell you

The GOP is really this hateful: How the political press got Trump (and Hillary) so embarrassingly wrong

Robert Reich: Martin Shkreli is just a product of American capitalism

The incredible shrinking middle class: Half the country is either living in poverty or damn near close to it

Forget Donald Trump, Democrats: Marco Rubio is the nightmare that could strike Hillary Clinton

This is America's religion of violence: The impunity of police violence & the destruction of Sandra Bland

The attack on Youth Against Settlements: Why is Israel shutting down even nonviolent Palestinian youth activism?

Best TV of 2015: The most compelling performances of the year

"None of us belong in this cage": Why hunger strikes are spreading to immigration detention centers across the country

The GOP's spineless Trump appeasement: How a tough-talking party showed its cowardly true colors

Fox News host loses it over his network's continued defense of Donald Trump's awfulness: "That's Trumpsplaining!"

The Las Vegas Review-Journal doth protest too much: Now owned by a conservative mega-donor, the paper publishes editorial promising "fair, unbiased, and accurate" reporting

Rand Paul's celebrating Festivus by airing his grievances against fellow GOP presidential candidates on Twitter

These 5 hashtags shocked, outraged and united the world in 2015

FDA lifts decades-long ban on gay men donating blood — but only if they haven't had sex for a year

"Not my abuela": Twitter explodes in outrage over Hillary Clinton's "Hispandering"

Forget Donald Trump's "schlong," the sexist stuff other Republicans say is far more offensive

Nic Cage’s dino bones blues: The scientific ethics and international crimes behind the eccentric actor’s latest Hollywood-scale drama

Yes, Chelsea Clinton can be a pro-choice mom: Anti-choicers blast the “abortion supporter” for being happy about her pregnancy

Santa, I want an AK-47 for Christmas: Mass shootings, terrorism has made for a very happy holiday for gun industry

Rubio's lying on his resume: His bogus boast that he has more experience than Obama in '08 is mere fantasy

Rachel Maddow eviscerates Donald Trump for claiming "I hate these people, but I'd never kill them" — that's what his "9,000 maniacs" are for

The year in viral videos: John Oliver, Larry David, mac-and-cheese douche and the very best the Internet had to offer