November 22, 2016 Archive November 2016

Donald Trump is very popular right now: Nearly half of Americans like him

Brexit panic is back: British PM Theresa May is struggling to convince the UK that Brexit won't cause an economic catastrophe

Look Again: The day's most compelling images from around the globe

Donald Trump's "drain the swamp" pledge still isn't working

Paul Krugman: Donald Trump's infrastructure plan is one big scam

Jeff Sessions is definitely not racist, his black friends say: "We often booked single rooms with double beds in hotels"

FEC goes after Donald Trump for more than 1,000 violations of campaign finance laws

WATCH: Dakota pipeline protesters sprayed with water cannons in freezing cold, 167 injured in police crackdown

BULLSH**TER OF THE DAY: Rush Limbaugh, for comparing Mike Pence's night at the theatre to–you guessed it–Abraham Lincoln's

Do all smartphone batteries suck? Apple recalls the iPhone 6S to replace its defective power pack

Kris Kobach reveals Homeland Security plans, including Muslim registry, extreme vetting and border wall, because he didn't cover his papers

#JewishResistance protests Trump adviser Steve Bannon, racism, Islamophobia at pro-Israel group gala

An "acute observation of the absurdity of being alive": The star and creator of "Rectify" discuss ambiguity and the series' end

Dear Donald Trump: It’s time to stop tweeting

An artist on his own terms: Glen Phillips did that whole Top 40 thing, now he just wants to help

"Unconstitutional gerrymander": Federal court strikes down Wisconsin's GOP-drawn redistricting

John McCain to Donald Trump, on torture: Forget it — "we will not waterboard"

Bernie Sanders slams Donald Trump's infrastructure plan as "corporate welfare coming and going"

Pardon a turkey, clear the soul: Why public forgiveness is an important ritual

5 ways to save the environment in the age of Donald Trump

No new normal: Fears and hope in the new age of Donald Trump

Destroying heritage: How the Dakota Access Pipeline plans went all wrong

A not-so-humble proposal to fight the "fake news" epidemic: Why we need a fact summit and need it now

Donald Trump will “take care of ‘the African-Americans'”: Will we see a repeat of Redemption, the post-Civil War white backlash?

WATCH: Can "big organizing" save the progressive movement? Former Bernie staffers talk "Rules for Revolutionaries"

Donald Trump's swimming in the swamp: Don't expect Republicans to investigate his conflicts of interest

New York City will spend $1 million per day to protect Donald Trump so he can stay in his safe space

Bernie Sanders: “It is not good enough for someone to say, ‘I’m a woman, vote for me.’”

For Donald Trump and Republicans, getting rid of Obamacare can lead to a lot of problems

Donald Trump backs out of meeting with New York Times because they wanted to be on the record, announces it on Twitter

Just how many of president-elect Donald Trump's transition team meetings is Ivanka Trump going to attend?

WATCH: Donald Trump's "list of executive actions we can take on day 1" is filled with empty platitudes and rhetoric

Donald Trump says he won't pursue investigations against Hillary Clinton. This is not a good thing

Today in Donald Trump's transition team: Soon-to-be leader of the free world "got annoyed" with Chris Christie for hogging his spotlight

Donald Trump's charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, broke IRS rules by self-dealing: report

Breitbart is really mad at Donald Trump for his "broken promise" to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton