Hall of Famer Bob Feller in hospice

92-year-old baseball legend has suffered from leukemia, pneumonia in recent months

Published December 9, 2010 3:03PM (EST)

Indians Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller has been moved from a hospital to hospice care.

The 92-year-old Feller, who was recently admitted to the Cleveland Clinic with pneumonia, has been transferred to a hospice in the Cleveland area, Bob DiBiasio, the team's vice president of public relations confirmed to The Associated Press on Wednesday night.

Feller's health has been in decline in recent months. He was diagnosed with leukemia in August, and after fainting while undergoing chemotherapy, Feller had a pacemaker implanted.

Feller won 266 games in 18 seasons -- all with the Indians. An eight-time All-Star, Feller interrupted his baseball career to enlist in the Navy during World War II. Feller served three years in the military before returning to the major leagues.

By Tom Withers

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