Rihanna just called out President Trump on Twitter, and we hope he sees it

Dont mess with Rihanna.

Published September 28, 2017 3:57PM (EDT)

Rihanna (Getty/Eduardo Parra)
Rihanna (Getty/Eduardo Parra)

Amidst his blunders in handling the crisis of Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump has fired up Rihanna, the musician with whom very few survive feuding.

Trump spent this past weekend arguing with the NFL over First Amendment rights (take a guess at where he stands), without addressing the pressing humanitarian crisis taking place in Puerto Rico, the U.S. territory ravaged by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in recent weeks.

It was only Thursday morning that Trump finally waived the Jones Act, which requires that goods and passengers transported between U.S. ports must be done so in U.S. ships manned by U.S. citizens (a law that has created a significant backlog and discouraged foreign vessels from aiding the island).

But already, he had angered one of the last media figures one would want to tussle with — musician, fashion designer, business mogul and the Queen of Sass, Rihanna. Unafraid to voice her opinions and unleash her anger, Rihanna took to Twitter to remind Trump that as he withheld supplies from entering the port of San Juan, his people are dying.

The Barbadian musician first tweeted out videos from hurting citizens on the ground in Puerto Rico, tagging the President, with many a question mark attached.

A day later, she posted another, in her head-on fashion, a heart breaking video of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz lamenting once again that as food and medical supplies are running incredibly low, hundreds of people could die.

Rihanna continued her tirade, directing Trump towards the cover of The New York Daily News, urging him “Don't let your people die like this.”

Finally, she tweeted praise for all five of the former living U.S. Presidents, who have made more of an effort and shown more care to support Puerto Rico than our current commander-in-chief. The Presidents are fundraising for the One American Appeal campaign, which is providing food, water, medical supplies and other resources to hurricane victims, according to Business Insider.

Not only known for her business and musical chops, Rihanna is also noted for her humanitarian efforts. She's a Global Ambassador with Global Citizen, Global Partnership for Education and the Clara Lionel Foundation, international advocacy groups dedicated to supporting girls and boys in the world’s poorest countries to ensure they receive high-quality educations, as well as encouraging world leaders to support this important agenda. This isn't the first time Rihanna has spoken out against Trump, and surely, it won't be the last.

By Jennie Neufeld

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